Golf Is A Lifetime Sport
3rd Dec 2015
Golf is a lifetime sport. It is one that can be played no matter the age or ability because it is completely independent of everything else.
Youth Golf
As with many skills, mastery comes easily at a young age. Children’s minds are constantly developing which makes it easier for kids to learn things quickly. As curious little beings, children pick up on subtle hints and direct instruction without much hesitation - especially something as fun as swinging a club out on the course! With a little bit of practice, children can start a long golf career with proper training from the beginning. Do you have a young lady in your life that would like to start golfing? Check out the fun, adorable and functional ladies golf bags by Birdie Babe and start golfing today!
Adult Golf
As children grow into adults, golf stays in the forefront of an active life. Golf is a sport that does not require elaborate equipment, fancy skills (although a bit of flair never hurt anyone), or outrageous fees. It is a sport that can be played after a long day of work. Adults are known to go, go go! So when it comes time to relax, a day out on the course is a perfect combination of the two. And since golf is also a sport for the youth, it becomes a great activity for a family outing.
Retirement Golf
As adults paying their dues of 40-hour work weeks comes to an end, they are faced with a large chunk of time during the day that can be filled with various activities. Golf is an activity adults can carry into retirement with the friends they’ve made along the way. Has it been many years since you’ve treated yourself to a new golf bag? While you’re shopping online for a Birdie Babe bag for your youth golf partner, go ahead and pick out a new designer golf bag for yourself. You deserve it!